The key sources and channels to use in a pre-launch phase

16 Jun


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The key sources and channels to use before launching a product

Even for pharmaceutical organizations with an extensive track record, product launches can be challenging. Markets change, and customer needs are changing even faster. Understanding where, when, and how to differentiate is critical for launch success.

That's why this report provides quantitative and qualitative insights on the most effective communication sources (i.e., information distributors) and channels (mediums employed by pharma) in a pre-launch phase.

Get the report!

Drive your company's performance by implementing a winning launch mindset.

What you will learn from this report

  • The key communication sources and channels to use in the pre-launch phase

  • A deep dive into some of these sources and channels

  • What type of content to bring when engaging with physicians

Any questions?

For more information, contact Cedric, our Senior Marketing Lead, Healthcare Strategies.

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