Choosing the current that fits: Exploring the different types of energy contracts

04 Jan


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Thomas Craps

Energy & Utilities Consultant


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Individuals and businesses have various options when it comes to choosing electricity contracts. These contracts, which dictate how consumers are billed for their electricity usage, can greatly impact financial stability and flexibility. Among the diverse array of options, three primary types stand out: fixed tariffs, variable tariffs, and dynamic tariffs. Let's delve into each of these contracts for households to understand their unique features and considerations.

Different contracts, same components

We already mentioned that there are three different electricity contracts. What is important to know is that all these consist of the same three components. These three components are the following:

  • Energy cost

  • Network fees

  • Taxes and levies

As a consumer, you do not have control over all the components; some are set by the regulators. This is the case for the network fees, taxes, and levies.
In this article, we will focus on the energy cost since this is connected to your chosen energy rate.

Fixed tariff: safety and predictability at a price

A fixed-tariff electricity contract offers consumers a stable and predictable rate for their electricity usage over a specified period of time. The defining characteristic of this contract is the unchanging nature of the tariff, providing customers with consistency and protection against market fluctuations. This stability is particularly attractive for those who prefer budget certainty and protection from sudden spikes in energy prices.

One of the main advantages of a fixed tariff is that consumers can plan their budgets more effectively, knowing exactly how much they will pay for electricity each month. However, this comes with some downsides: users may miss out on potential savings if market prices decrease during the contract period, and users are paying a premium for the safety and predictability this contract provides.

Variable tariff: a monthly affair

In contrast to a fixed tariff, a variable-tariff electricity contract exposes consumers to the ebb and flow of market prices. The rate fluctuates every month in response to changes in the energy market, reflecting supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical events, and other factors. Variable tariffs provide consumers with the potential to benefit from lower prices during periods of reduced demand or increased renewable energy generation.

The flexibility of variable tariffs allows consumers to capitalize on market conditions, making them a suitable choice for those who are willing to take on a degree of pricing uncertainty. However, this flexibility can also lead to higher bills during times of increased demand or market volatility.

Dynamic tariff: looking at the time

Dynamic tariff contracts represent a more sophisticated approach to electricity billing, incorporating real-time market conditions into the pricing structure. Also known as time-of-use pricing, dynamic tariffs adjust rates based on the time of day, reflecting peak and off-peak periods. This encourages consumers to shift their energy consumption to times when electricity demand is lower, contributing to more efficient use of resources.

Dynamic tariffs are particularly well-suited for consumers who can adapt their energy consumption patterns to align with fluctuating prices. By leveraging smart technologies and appliances, users can optimize their energy usage to take advantage of lower rates during off-peak hours. However, this requires a level of engagement and awareness that may not be suitable for all consumers. Consumers can opt for a Home Energy Management System (HEMS) to handle a lot of this (read more in this article).

Decoding the economics: unveiling cost-efficiency

Trilations, as an established consulting firm in the utilities sector, decided to dive deeper into this subject. Our analysis sheds light on the cost-effectiveness of different electricity contracts. The findings underscore the economic advantages of dynamic tariffs when compared to fixed and variable alternatives. In a comprehensive study encompassing 30 distinct consumption scenarios over the course of a year (base year 2021), the dynamic tariff emerged as the most economical choice based on the prevailing prices in 2023.²

The analysis took into account a diverse range of usage patterns (with and without solar panels), allowing for a nuanced understanding of how each contract type performs across various consumer scenarios. The results revealed that, on average, consumers opting for dynamic tariffs experienced lower overall costs compared to those with fixed or variable contracts.

Choosing the right contract for you

Selecting the most suitable electricity contract depends on various factors, including individual preferences, risk tolerance, and the ability to adapt energy consumption habits. Fixed tariffs offer stability, variable tariffs provide flexibility, and dynamic tariffs reward smart and time-sensitive energy use.

It's crucial for consumers to carefully assess their energy consumption patterns, financial goals, and comfort levels with pricing variability before committing to a specific contract. Additionally, staying informed about market trends and regularly reviewing energy contracts can help consumers make well-informed decisions that align with their unique needs.


In conclusion, the diversity of electricity contracts empowers consumers to tailor their energy plans to match their preferences and lifestyles. Whether opting for the predictability of a fixed tariff, the flexibility of a variable tariff, or the dynamic nature of time-of-use pricing, consumers have the opportunity to actively participate in shaping their energy costs and contributing to a more efficient and sustainable energy future by consuming electricity when there is production from renewable sources (the cheapest source of electricity).

If you require expert advice on managing the shifting energy market, we are just a click away to support you.

Any questions?

For more information, contact Frank, our Business Manager Energy & Utilities.

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Thomas Craps

Energy & Utilities Consultant


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